AccessPlus Employee Information

Employees can view their personal pay information, leave information, W-2's and can also change their direct deposit, address and W-4 on AccessPlus. Employees must use the password that was issued with their ISU Card. If you have forgotten your password, call the Solution Center at 294-4000 to have your password reset.

When logging into Access Plus there is a secondary security level to protect your personal information. You will be asked to enter the last 4 digits of your social security number to gain access to the Payroll Info links.


Access Plus Homepage

AccessPlus Homepage

After entering AccessPlus, click on the Employee tab, Payroll Info, enter the security information and one of the following:

  • Address Info - Employees can update their local, permanent, and campus addresses by clicking on the appropriate address bar.
  • Direct Deposit - Employees can update their bank information for direct deposit of their paycheck by clicking on the I Agree / Update Direct Deposit bar. Then enter your routing number, if it has changed, and your new account number. The pay date that the change will take effect will be listed.
  • Pay Info - This link contains the employee's pay information for the previous pay periods. Click on the date needed and review the information. These pages can be printed for your convenience and will be printed with Iowa State University on them.
  • Vacation/Sick Leave - Employee's vacation and sick leave balances are for the last updated month. This page includes the employee's balances, accrual earned, and leave used. The maximum accrual for vacation is twice your annual accrual rate. The year-to-date information is for the calendar year.
  • Year-to-Date Earnings - Employees can access their year-to-date earnings for the current year and the previous year.
  • W-2 - Employees have access to their W-2 forms for the past year and two previous years. Click on the W2 link, choose Electronic via Access Plus, submit, tax year 20xx, print. These are official W-2's forms for tax purposes.
  • Iowa W-4 - Employees can change their W-4 form for Federal and Iowa taxes. Click on the W4 Withholding link, choose Federal W-4 or Iowa W-4. You will need a current email account to change the forms online. Each form will show your current allowances claimed. Complete the form, check the box at the bottom by the declaration statement and then click submit. An email will be sent to your email that you have changed your W-4 form. If you are claiming Exempt or more than 22 allowances for Iowa, you will have to submit a paper form to the Payroll Office.

Third Party Access

Employees may grant third parties access to their Payroll Info and W-2's using the Third Party Access link on the Employee tab.


Remember to log-off when leaving AccessPlus to ensure your personal information is not compromsied.